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Section 6 – Heaven on Earth – Chapter 6.2

Most people cannot see the animal world clearly. Everyone that sees it clearly will see that it is as ugly as it can get, unless you think being forced by hunger to murder your fellow beings and eating them is beautiful. The animal truth is as ugly as it gets, but the divine truth is as beautiful as it gets. Seeing the truth of both realms powers the evolution of animals into spiritual beings.

There have been many mythical descriptions of heaven. They have shown a heaven that is up in the clouds with everyone wearing white. It looks very boring, and it would be. The real heaven, the one you will be in after you die if you know the truth and the life, the place you could be living in the next five minutes and you will be living in less than a hundred years, the real heaven, is not boring. It is more interesting and fulfilling than you can imagine or I can describe completely.

This section will give you the basics of how it will be. Your next life in heaven will be much the way the world is now, only all human beings will be spiritual beings. It is not dog-eat-dog like the animal world; it is dog- love-dog, metaphorically speaking. It will look like the best parts of this world. There will be the same positive differences between people and cultures that we see today, even more so. Nothing really changes that much that is on the outside of you. Nature is nature (God), and it will never fundamentally change much. The only thing that really changes completely is your perspective and awareness. You are a spiritual being, and the people you live around are also spiritual beings. Heaven will be just as life is now, just without the parts we can live better without.

If it is possible, it exists somewhere in an infinite universe.

The Bible says, “There will be no sadness or pain; they will pass away.”

Evolving past pain: When we die and are reborn, the physical parts of our brains and nervous system that create and send us pain, fear, sadness and the other negative aspects of our current life will not be part of our new bodies. We will have evolved past them. We will have just enough pain to let us know when we are injured or sick, and no more.

Severe physical pain will not exist in heaven.

The part of our brain that is responsible for feeling pain and the other unwanted sensations will simply not be in our new bodies. We will be hardwired only for pleasure and fulfillment.


Physical pleasure will come and go like in this life, but there will be no severe pain or undesirable feelings and emotions, and we will always be fulfilled with the spirit of God.

Just pleasure: We will be reborn with bodies that can feel pleasure better than we can feel it now, but our bodies will not be capable of perceiving the negative side of life. We will still be motivated to do things, because we will still want to feel the pleasure created by doing certain things. Spiritual life does not need the carrot and the stick (pleasure/pain), just the carrot. The need to feed and breed, in combination with the natural environment, will control what we do just as they do now. As I have pointed out, the physical universe cannot change and exist. Fear/pain, the power of evolution: We no longer need severe pain, sadness, fear and the other negative things to evolve. We did in the past; fear and pain powered evolution. It is an animal’s fear of pain and death that motivates them to evolve to avoid it better. It is the main power behind all animal evolution.

It is powering the evolution of mankind into spiritual beings now. As the Bible says, fear of God (life) is the beginning of wisdom. After you know the ultimate truth, you have wisdom, so evolution is finished, and fear and pain are no longer needed. We no longer need fear, severe pain or any of the other negative aspects of life we needed to evolve. Thus, the ability to experience negative aspects of life will be discarded in the change from your current body to your new spiritual one.

Nature/God never wastes anything, and if you do not need something, you will not have it. If you know the ultimate truth, you no longer need the negative side of life, so you will not have it. In heaven, we will have all the positives with just enough of the negatives to give definition to life. We had to have the negatives in the past in order to promote our evolution to the point where we could see the truth and the life, and we are there now.

Forever young: Thanks to genetic engineering and other advances in medical science, no one will age past young adulthood or die from any diseases.

Live a thousand years: We will have a very long life expectancy and never age, because aging is a disease we will have cured. The medical evidence and the laws of probability say our lifespan will be about one thousand years. We will use genetic engineering to slow our aging to adulthood, so childhood will last as long as we want it to. We will enjoy childhood for a much longer time.


The son of yourself: A short life was necessary for biological evolution. After you reach the peak of what biology can do, life no longer needs to be short. We have evolved biologically almost as far as we are going to naturally. You evolve mentally now, until you know the truth and the life and are reborn the son of man.

Accidents will still happen in heaven and people will still die from accidents. Our physical bodies will still be mortal like they are now. No one really wants a body that does not die. There will be situations when you will want to be able to get out of the body you are in and start over in a new body. If you are accidentally buried alive in an earthquake or avalanche, you would not want to be in that position forever, would you? If you were trapped in a fire, you would not want that to last forever, would you? Those things can and will happen, so death is necessary. People will not age physically past about twenty-one or ever get sick, but eventually, your body will be damaged in an accident beyond repair. You will be thankful that you can trade it in for a new one. In heaven, there will be no fear of death. Death and birth will be seen as the one event they really are. We will live knowing how life and death works for the first time. This makes all the difference. It is the way it could be, should be, and will be for those that learn the truth.

Everything, even the bugs, fish, and bacteria will get to a permanent heaven, a place without predators, just plant eaters and plants. There will be limited pain and sorrow, and 90% of the time, we will be totally fulfilled, and almost totally fulfilled the other 10% of the time. It is the way it could be, should be and will be. The only question is, how long it will take? I am shooting for no later than the next life, or as soon as possible.

There will be a heaven on earth; the only question is how long it will take. It could be twenty years, or twenty million years. It does not matter, because when we die, we will be reborn there, and no time will have passed from our own perspective. Everyone that has worked as a prophet long enough to change themselves will be there. Others will come back to the animal world in future generations when there are many more people, thousands, even millions, working on spreading the truth and creating a heaven on earth. Without predators, life on the animal level would reproduce until they used up the food resources and then starved off, which is almost as bad as being eaten. Life that knows the truth of life will control their reproduction to never overpopulate an environment. This is the reason the truth will make heaven; it has practical value.


Taste death: When you die in heaven, you will be reborn in heaven as a baby and start a new life. This will go on forever. When religious books say we will live forever, will not taste death, they mean spiritual death. We will never go back to being the living dead mankind is now. Physical death is part of the perfection.

Jesus said, "I have come so that you might have life, for the way of mortals is a living death.”

You will still avoid death even in heaven. It will not be horrible like it is now, but it will still be the thing you will want to avoid the most. The difference is that you do not fear it and it is not painful, so in heaven, it just makes life more interesting. Death will not hurt or be feared, but it will be a major disruption of your life, and you will always try to avoid it when possible. Death is the opposite of life, so life will never like it and always avoid it when possible. Physical death is necessary from time to time for life to be perfect.

When you know the truth and the life, you would not change the way life works, even if you could.

Self-sufficient: The trend to being self-sufficient will continue, but so will dependence on each other. Both have advantages and disadvantages, and a balance will be found that works best. We do not want to live every man for himself and separate ourselves from society. We want to do the opposite and come together in cooperation for our mutual benefit. The only reason you want to become self-sufficient is so that you need less from others and have more to give to others in need.

Our need for energy has been going up for a long time. It will begin to go in the opposite direction, and we will need less and less. We will solve our power problems in the near future. New technologies will make electricity available to everyone, almost for free.

Perpetual motion: The universe is self-powered; it is a perpetual motion machine. There is no energy shortage, and we will learn how to tap this endless source of energy safely and cheaply in the near future.

Heaven-tech: In heaven, technology will progress forever. Everything that is possible to do, we will do. We will make contact with other life in the universe. We will keep all the old things we like such as music, classic cars, motorcycles, clothes and houses, etc. The best of the old will be mixed with the new.


Cool cars, motorcycles, boats, horses and everything else you like will be in heaven and available to you. You will do exactly what you want forever. Picture the greatest romantic movie you have ever seen, remove all the mind created bad times, and you will get an idea of what life will be like in heaven. This is because romance is the most pleasurable thing human beings can do. Women will still be women and men will still be men (without the bad side). Just about every young person would be involved in a great romance if they could. In heaven, everyone will be young and healthy, so they will be involved in relationships for the same reasons we do it now. The interplay between male and female, family and children, will be the core of every life. We will live the natural way that human beings live, just in the best way possible. Spiritual beings are human beings. Nature always stays the same, because it cannot change and still exist. Only our minds can change.

We'll still need to breed, feed, and want to succeed; that will never change. We will never start taking our nourishment in pill form, because eating is too pleasurable. We will not start reproducing in an artificial way for the same reason. Add all the pleasure you get from doing what you really want to do, to complete fulfillment, take away all of life’s perceived negatives, and you have an idea of what heaven will be like most of the time. Natural disasters will still happen. Nature (God) will be in complete control of our lives just as it is now, so our lives will change as it does. Nature will be the same, including the occasional natural disaster, but it does not bother you in heaven. It just serves to make life more surprising, interesting and romantic. Nature is what keeps the adventure of life moving. God/life is Nature, and when you see it clearly, it is the magic kingdom. You may be thinking “I am not up to that; it is too much.” You may not be up to it now or even interested in it. In heaven, you will be up to it and be interested in it. You will live a life you can only dream about now. You will be beautiful if you are a woman; men will be handsome. Everyone will have a near perfect body. Everyone will be fearless, young, healthy, different, and completely alive forever.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder: People will not all look the same; they will all be different, but spiritual beings will see everyone as beautiful. In heaven, you can live a perfect life. Life can be perfect, because life is perfect. Perfection is the natural state of things; our minds are just messing it up.

It is the way it could be, should be, and will be for those that learn the truth.

In heaven, you will be forever young, healthy, strong, beautiful, fearless, wise, witty, funny, and completely fulfilled forever. It is as good as it can get and better than you can imagine or than I can describe.

In heaven, love will be reflected in love forever.

This is not heaven: We are not there yet, and unless we see the truth, we are not going to go there after we die. Religious books contain the truth, but they are being misinterpreted. People are starting to wake up, so there is some hope.

The word, “gospel” means, “good news.”

The gospel truth: When you understand what the Bible really says, it is the best news possible. You can help create a place where there are no predators in the human world, where the strong do not prey on the weak and there is no hate, no pain or conflict of any kind. It lasts forever, and all you have to do is see life (God) how it truly is. This is the best news possible, and it is literally the gospel truth, what the gospels really say revealed here for the first time. Until now, almost no one could know the good news in the gospels, but now we all can. All we have to do is to know we know, change our minds, and turn our lives around while we can.

We now have the key to the gates of heaven. All we have to do is turn it.


1 Comment

Jul 18, 2024

This is a great chapter im this book. I T MAKES ME REALIZE that a simple individual shift is all I need to realize the truth thank you

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